‘Good girls sleep early and other nuggets of wisdom’ by Honorable Justice Markandey Katju
“Good girls sleep early, ” says former Supreme Court judge Justice Markandey Katju. I said this…yay!…what was I thinking?
Due to the popularity of this tweet, I, Justice Katju submit to you more pearls of wisdom floating around in my bloated head.
~ Good girls also don’t go out after dark. Look at what happened to Nirbhaya. She was asking for it!
~Comment on a photo posted by a woman in a pub after dark on Facebook. “Did you take permission from your father or male guardian before staying out this late”?
~Good girls sit properly. I, an old man can’t explain these things. You know what I mean.
~ Good girls also don’t laugh out too loud… they should not even use the LOL abbreviation or any smiling emoji’s! If they do so it brings disgrace to their family.
~Areey…don’t wear skimpy clothes! You are asking for it!
~Good girls also sleep ONLY with their husband. If that is a ‘tree’ that they have been married to, they should sleep ‘ONLY’ with that ‘tree husband’ and not any other ‘tree husband.’ The tree should also be of the same species and ‘pre-approved’ by your parents. Don’t even think of sleeping or living with random trees.
~You may ask….why only husband and not same sex partner. What nonsense are you talking? There is no room in my head for such thoughts. Man and Woman; Husband and Wife. Period. No need to entertain any other thoughts.
~People only vote for beautiful faces (you see!); that’s why I haven’t run in any election.
(Note: This is a work of satire, all of the above is ‘absolutely true’ if we are living in the ‘matrix.’ Are we?)