Professor suffers ‘panic attack’ thinking he forgot to hit ‘record button’ on Google Meet, skewering his well laid plans to document the shit out of every single moment of his life
A local college professor suffered a ‘panic attack’ thinking he forgot to hit ‘record’ on Google Meet while the ‘most important meeting of his life’ was going on. Students who witnessed this happening said that halfway through the ‘most important meeting ever’ the professor began to ask if the meeting is being recorded. When informed that it wasn’t recorded the professor began to sweat profusely and ‘blame’ everyone for not reminding him to record the meeting. “ It can’t me my fault, can it? You are supposed to remind me,” he fumed.
On asked why it was important to record every moment of his life, he said that “Sir, I believe in documentation. What are we without documentation? Just empty beings floating around aimlessly. They say ‘data’ is the new ‘oil.’ I believe in ‘oiling’ my entire life (not sure what that means!).” From here on, I will document the shit out of every moment of my life. The Kardashians have got nothing on me, he concluded with a wink.
(Note: This is a work of satire, any resemblance to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental!)